Taunton Waterside

This is an example of an unused space on a development that has been turned into a community garden by a residents group with their housing association landlord.

Location: Taunton, Devon


A residents group, working with their housing association landlord, has turned an unused space on a development in Taunton into a community garden. Waterside House is a 108 home development, completed in 2013.

The Waterside House Residents Events Group applied to their landlord – then Knightstone Housing Association – for a £40,000 grant to refurbish the space. They consulted with other residents and the community garden was opened at a fete, organised by the residents. The Knightstone community empowerment officer supported the group. This is an example of residents taking the initiative to make best use of poorly used community spaces, and a housing association providing the right sort of support in terms of funding for improvements, and staff time to help deliver the residents’ aspirations.